Interface and Type
Common Syntax
In TypeScript, interfaces define the structure of objects, specifying the names and types of properties or methods that an object must have. The common syntax for defining an interface in TypeScript is as follows:
interface InterfaceName { property1: Type1; // ... method1(arg1: ArgType1, arg2: ArgType2): ReturnType; // ...}
Similarly for type definition:
type TypeName = { property1: Type1; // ... method1(arg1: ArgType1, arg2: ArgType2): ReturnType; // ...};
interface InterfaceName
or type TypeName
: Defines the name of the interface.
: Type1
: Specifies the properties of the interface along with their corresponding types. Multiple properties can be defined, each separated by a semicolon.
method1(arg1: ArgType1, arg2: ArgType2): ReturnType;
: Specifies the methods of the interface. Methods are defined with their names, followed by a parameter list in parentheses and the return type. Multiple methods can be defined, each separated by a semicolon.
Example interface:
interface Person { name: string; age: number; greet(): void;}
Example of type:
type TypeName = { property1: string; method1(arg1: string, arg2: string): string;};
In TypeScript, types are used to define the shape of data and enforce type checking. There are several common syntaxes for defining types in TypeScript, depending on the specific use case. Here are some examples:
Basic Types
let myNumber: number = 123; // number typelet myBoolean: boolean = true; // boolean typelet myArray: string[] = ['a', 'b']; // array of stringslet myTuple: [string, number] = ['a', 123]; // tuple
Objects and Interfaces
const x: { name: string; age: number } = { name: 'Simon', age: 7 };
Union and Intersection Types
type MyType = string | number; // Union typelet myUnion: MyType = 'hello'; // Can be a stringmyUnion = 123; // Or a number
type TypeA = { name: string };type TypeB = { age: number };type CombinedType = TypeA & TypeB; // Intersection typelet myCombined: CombinedType = { name: 'John', age: 25 }; // Object with both name and age properties